Blogathon: By The Numbers
Because today I feel like writing a blog posting about as much as I feel like having my intestines removed with a dull knife… instead I give you: numbers!
# Blog Postings: | 49 |
# Guest Postings1: | 8 |
# Hour of Blogging | 24 |
# of litres of diet Pepsi consumed: | 32 |
# Page Views | 1720 |
# Comments | too many to count! |
$ raised for OPT by NTBTWK | $4023 |
# Donators: | 104 |
Total raised by all the bloggers in the world! | $44,847.00 |
1Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you to my guest posters!
2approximately 1 L of diet Pepsi and 2 L of diet Pepsi Max! Diet Pepsi Max has ginseng in it. Ergo, healthy.
3The page says, inexplicably, that I only raised $346.90, but when I added up all the pledges that were made as listed on my profile page at , it’s $402. I have *no idea* how they came up with this other number.
4The page also has the wrong number of donators – it says 11, but there are only 10 listed when I look in my profile. Again, no idea how they came up with 11. Unless there’s a mystery donator who gave -$55.10…
Comments |7|
Tags: Blogathon, Blogathon 2009, Blogathon Vancouver 2009, charitable donation, charity, diet Pepsi, doing good, numbers
sorry I did not help with any topics but i just had knee surgery and was too doped up to think coherently or even type like a mammal. But i was happy to donate
I love numbers. I also love graphs. Just sayin'.
Not to worry – I somehow managed to come up with 41 topics (to go along with my 8 guest posts). Not necessarily 41 good topics, but 41 topics nonetheless!
And your donation is very much appreciated! Hope your knee feels better soon!
And don't forget Greek letters!
You forgot to mention that Diet Pepsi Max, in addition to having healthy ginseng, has way more caffeine. No wonder you're “still tired” today: you're cold turkey detoxing!
Right, like I've stopped having caffeine since then! Sacrilege!
Actually, when I read the total you raised in my feed reader, it looked like $4023, which made me happy for you đŸ™‚