Vancouver Whitecaps Game

Yesterday, Alicia & Paul took Tod and I to a Vancouver Whitecaps game ((although I think they should be called the Burnaby Whitecaps, as Swanguard stadium is on the eastside of Boundary Rd.))  They have seasons tickets and Alicia knew that I really wanted to check out a game, as I’ve never been to a soccer game before.

Truth be told, I don’t know much about soccer, other than that you are trying to kick the ball into the giant net.  Which looks like it should be easy, as the net is huge, but seems to be damn near impossible as the Whitecaps and the Carolina Railhawks played 90+ minutes and no one scored a goal. The Whitecaps nearly did a few tiems, but a combination of the Railhawks goalie kicking some serious ass and the Whitecaps having a penchant for kicking the ball in such a way as to always hit the post kept the game scoreless.

IMGP0066 by you. Whitecaps (in white) vs. Railhawks (in orange)

At half time, they had a few little kids games.  This is something they do at Canucks games and I absolutely love it! It must be the most exciting thing ever for a little kid to get a chance to play in front of a stadium full of people!

IMGP0064 by you.Little goalie, watching as all the kids surround the soccer ball at the other end of the field. Playing positions? What’s a position?

Things I Learned At The Whitecaps Soccer Game:

  • the clock counts time up, not down ((I, of course, compare everything to hockey and in hockey, the clock counts down, so you can easily see how much time is remaining. Which makes way more sense, if you ask me))
  • there’s no line on the field for offside – offside is being behind the furthest defender
  • you are supposed to similatenously watch the ball and all the players and the referrees. At the same time.  Because the ref might put up a yellow card and you needed to have seen both the ref with his yellow card and the play that was being yellow carded and you have to see it in real time because the stadium has no JumboTron

Things I Didn’t Learn At The Whitecaps Soccer Game:

  • what the hell a “railhawk” is

All in all, it was a fun time. And I knocked #47 off of my 101things to do in 1001 days list!  Thanks again, Alicia & Paul!

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