Anyone Missing A Gas Cap?
I was getting gas tonight and as I stood there pumping the gas, I looked down and saw this:
And it wasn’t mine – my gas cap is attached to my car so I can’t put it down on the ground and forget it.
Somebody is going to feel really silly the next time they gas up!
Better than driving away with the nozzle still attached which my Dad did once from a full-serve place.
Hee hee! That would be funny to so… though probably not so funny for your dad!
I did this once AND drove over it lol. I didn't realize it until hours later, so I went back and got it (cracked and all) put it back on my gas tank thingie) and then I had a service light on my car (which I didn't realize was even related) and took it in to Toyota only to find that my cracked gas cap was the culprit. I played dumb, I felt stupid that I had dropped it, lost it and then put it back. I was 20 something hehe.
This is why Canadian Tire sells replacements.