Another 101 in 1001 update

I’ve decided to go totally cliché this year.  I’m talking New Year’s resolutions and swearing that I’ll get back to exercising and eating well and losing that 15 lbs that’s been plauguing me.  So, keeping with my transformation into a cliché,  I figure the week after Christmas is a good time to take stock.  Like checking in on how I’m doing on my 101 things to do in 1001 days list.  Here’s the update:

# days elapsed 349
# days remaining 652
# items completed 18
# items remaining 83

So that’s not really that good.  I’m 35% through the 1001 days, but I’ve only done 18% of the tasks.  There are a few items that I’m partway through, so I think I’ll tackle those to get a few more under my belt.  Numbers 72 and 83, I’m looking in your direction!

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