WTF is this??

So I finally got around to taking down my Christmas tree today ((In my defence, I was away in early January, when I normally would have taken it down)) and as I packing up all the ornaments into the big Rubbermaid container I keep them in, I found this at the bottom of the container:

Does anyone have an idea what that is?  Because I’m totally flummoxed!   The two black rectangles at the bottom of the photo are strips of velcro – the white part is the backing on which they are stuck… so clearly they are supposed to stick somwhere and the corresponding piece of velcro are on the back side of those main thingy.  I’m not sure if the key goes with it or not – it was in the same plastic bag, but the bag was open so it could have just ended up there despite being totally unrelated.  Also, I don’t think it has anything to do with Christmas decorations, despite being in the Christmas decorations box.

Any ideas?

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  • The key looks like one of those Kensington wire locks (for laptops, etc.).

    Thoughts about the other bits: Looks like something to provide "sides for a corner", e.g. the corner of a mattress (to give you something to stuff sheet ends into?

    But that doesn't really explain the shape, and it certainly doesn't explain the bit that looks like short wires welded inside the smaller holes…?


  • It's really perplexing. One friend has suggested it might have something to do with hockey equipment (it's all made out plastic other than the elastic bit holding the two pieces together), but I can't figure out what piece of hockey equipment it would attach to, or why.


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