Happy 1-1-11!
I totally should have posted this at 11:11:11 a.m. , but I was too busy preparing to go jump into the freezing cold ocean. So I’m posting it at 11:11:11 p.m. instead, because that is the way I roll.
2011 promises to be a year full of numbery goodness. Exciting numbery days this year will include:
- January 1, 2011 – 1-1-11
- January 11, 2011 – 11-1-11 Â (which also just *happens* to be my birthday)
- November 11, 2011 – which can be written as both 11-11-11 and 20-11-2011
Image Credit: Posted by kiwinz on Flickr.
Navy Bean’s birthday is Nov. 11, although she’s probably too young to understand how cool that is (have I ever mentioned that my dad is a CPA? The geekiness runs in the family).
I didn’t know your dad was a CPA!
Oh yes, the joys of growing up with a tight-wad! Actually, it was very good because I’m one of the few Americans without credit card debt!