Nerd Stats 2010

Here is a quick summary of my blog stats for 2010 ((to see previous years’ nerd stats postings, click the year in the table)):

2008 2009 2010 % change from 2009
Blog postings: 423 357 344 -4%
Tweets: 2,227 1,815 2302 ((note to self: You started blogging in 2008, so you get these totals by simple subtraction, not by some fancy pants program or anything. I hope this helps you when you write your “Nerd Stats 2011” posting when you think “how the hell did I figure out how many times I tweeted in a given year??”)) +27%
Visits to my blog 32,410 45,153 44,689 -1%
Average number of blog visits per day 93 ((not sure why this value is not equal to the number of visits to my blog divided by 365 days. Probably some some of rounding error)). 126 ((ibid)) 122 -4%
Busiest day on my blog: Sept 26, 2008 (460 views) ((thanks to the Hockey Hotties posting)) July 25, 2009 (1,181 views) ((thanks to the Blogathon!)) Feb 9, 2010 (233 views) -80%

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