Goals For 2011

While searching my blog for something the other day, I came across this posting: Goals For 2010. I set goals for 2010? Who knew? Not me apparently, as I totally forgotten about it. Of course, my first thought was: how did I do on achieving those forgotten about goals?

2010 Goal



Get more sleep No Who has time to sleep?
Tackle 40 of the things in my 101 list of things to do No At the end of 2009, I had completed 18 items. As of Dec 31, 2010, I’d done 23. Sadly, 5 is not 40.  However, I did complete 1 item yesterday (Polar Bear Swim) and am currently in the middle of completing 11 other ones.  Still not even close to 40.
Reattempt the 100 pushups/200 situps/200 squats program No But I did get the 100 pushups app for my iPhone!
Get back to running Yes! An 8 km and two half marathons! w00t!
Do a 30-day yoga challenge. Yes!
Focus on fruits and veg. Sort of I could do more of this
Lose 15 lbs. No, but… I did lose about 5 lbs, plus I got more toned, so I *look* like I’ve lost more weight.
Do a great purge! Yes, but… The unexpected move in Feb 2010 did result in many things going to the thrift store/into the garbage, but I still have a lot of stuff I need to sort through and get rid of
Hit a net worth of $0. Yes
Make $100,000. Sadly, no.
Invest 10% of my earnings. Yes Just did some quick number crunching and it turns out I’m investing ~15% of my gross income. Wow, I had no idea!
Blog every day No, but.. While I didn’t blog every single day, I did post 344 blog postings, so that’s not too shabby!

So now the question is, what should my goals for 2011 be?

I’ve been telling everyone that my new year’s resolution is to find a rich husband. In the absence of that, however, I think my 2011 goals will be:

  • run a 2-hr half marathon – I achieved a personal best of 2:07 in the Victoria half-marathon in October, so I feel like a sub-2 hr half marathon is now within reach. Alicia and I are planning to do the BMO Vancouver half marathon in May and training starts this week! w00t!
  • make $100,000 – My salary still isn’t anywhere near $100K, but I’m optimistic that I can pick up some teaching and contracts to supplement my income. Even though I totally didn’t do that last year – I had only one course to teach and my contract work was minimal.
  • reduce my remaining student loan debt in half – I have just cracked the $40K mark and insane as it sounds, I want to have it down to $20K by the end of 2011. Which means I better get creative with making some extra cash!
  • get my Credentialed Evaluator designation – the Canadian Evaluation Society now offers a C.E. designation to qualified evaluators. This year I’m going to apply for it, because “C.E.” would look great after my name, don’t you think?
  • blog every day in 2011 – of course!

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