
As I mentioned in my first blog posting about the Longest Game for CF, one of the things this game will be is a tribute to legacy of Eva Markvoort.

Eva, who died just over a year ago while waiting for a second lung transplant (as her body rejected the first set of lungs she received), was the subject of award-winning documentary called 65_Redroses. Here’s the trailer:

And you can watch the entire documentary here. It’s an amazing film – you can practically feel Eva’s passion for life leaping at you from the screen.

And here’s a speech that Eva gave for a Toronto Gala – she wasn’t able to attend in person as this was after her body started to reject her lung transplant, so she recorded this speech (There’s nothing I can say that can even come close to her words about how important is it to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, so please check out this video!)

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