
Two of the items on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days are:

56. save $500 in coins

57. deposit that $500 worth of coins into my 40th birthday savings account

I hit a bit of a snag in this plan in that when I moved last year, I moved into a place with no laundry facilities, so I had to start going to the dreaded laundromat, meaning that I needed my loonies and quarters for laundry. When you take loonies and quarters out of the mix, it really becomes difficult to save up much in the way of coins! But I decided to roll up all the dimes, nickels and pennies that I had in my coin jar, just to see what I had:

Rolled coins

That’s $65 worth of coinage, which, while not $500, isn’t too terrible.

The next step was to deposit this money into my 40th birthday savings account. But, as we all know, I decided to divert my 40th birthday savings account money into my dreaded students loans in my valiant attempt to be able to throw a “my student loan debt is all paid off” party by the end of next summer. So that $65 went to student loan paying-off-ness.

$65 closer to freedom.

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