Today, It Rains

Jack Layton, Leaders Tour - Tournée du Chef - Jack LaytonI woke up to the news that Jack Layton passed away this morning at the age of 61. This is heart breaking. My heart goes out, first and foremost, to his wife, Olivia Chow, and their children. And it also goes out to our country because we’ve lost a great man today. A man who always fought for what he believed in, who brought so much to politics in Canada. The NDP gained Official Opposition status on the strength of his leadership and vision. He gave so much to this country and, at 61, he had so much left to give. I am deeply, deeply saddened that we will never get to see a Prime Minister Jack Layton.

It seems only appropriate that after a week of sunshine, and before another week of sunshine, today it rains.

P1090627 Tribute For Jack Layton - College Street Bike Lane Toronto

I’m so fucking sick of cancer taking all the good people.

Goodbye, Jack. You will be missed.

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