Congratulations Dr. Erika!
Today, my friend Erika defended her PhD!
You may remember Erika from such adventurers as getting published in Science, her 29.758904th birthday, and several 12 Bars of Christmas. Well, now you can add her PhDizzle to that list! I didn’t get to attend the defence because The Man was making me work, but by all accounts her performance was brilliant! Not that I’m surprised – did I mention that she’s published in Science???
So congratulations, Dr. Erika and welcome to the club!
Note to self: I have *got* to get better photographs with Erika!
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Category: awesomeness | friends | Nerdery | science | Teaching & Learning
Tags: accomplishments, awesomeness, congratulations, Erika, genius, Nerdery, PhD, PhD defence
Tags: accomplishments, awesomeness, congratulations, Erika, genius, Nerdery, PhD, PhD defence
Amazing! Congratulations to Erika (and hello to Paul). Also -GOOD LUCK BETH!
And happy birthday to Veronica! So many things to celebrate!