My Brain at… oh, something shiny

Yesterday was day #2 of the conference that I mentioned in my blog posting on Thursday and at said conference I won one of the book draw prizes. Oddly, given that there were hundreds of people at this conference, three of six people at my table won book draw prizes over the course of the two days, but I’m not going to complain about that!

The book I picked was this one:


Your Brain At Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock.

My job involves running several projects at any given time and I find it very easy to get distracted from working on one project when something pops up for another project, so this book totally caught my eye. I think I could really use some strategies to help me focus. After picking it out, I ran into a project manager colleague who told me that she’d read it and that it’s quite a good book, so I’m looking forward to starting it. It will be a nice distraction from the four other books I’m in the middle of reading. 🙂

In far more childish news, I was very pleased with the spot I got on the sign up sheet for one of the sessions at the conference:

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