Social Butterfly
Today’s blog posting shall be brief as it’s past my bedtime and I have to be up early for a 7 a.m. dentist appointment. You know you are jealous.
This week has been, and will continue to be, one of social butterfliedness. For some reason, I seem to have friends in town visiting on Monday and Friday, and then filled up my other evenings with social engagements, thusly:
- Monday: My friend Therese (who I did my undergraduate with at McMaster ((Also, I would like to brag that McMaster is playing in the Vanier Cup at BC Place this week. Because McMaster is freaking awesome.))) and her boyfriend, Matt, are in town for a family wedding, so Devon and I had dinner with them at Las Margaritas. So much good conversation and good food. And margaritas!
- Tuesday: I happened to be at UBC this afternoon, so I met up with Alicia, who works there, and we went for dinner at Indian Oven, which coincidentally is kitty corner to Las Margaritas. Alicia’s baby is due very, very soon, so I was really glad to get to see her before the wee one arrives. Even if she did send me a link to a YouTube video with a *giant* spider in it! Again, so much good conversation and delicious food. But no margaritas this time!
- Wednesday: A non-exciting evening at the laundromat will be followed by a night-time hockey game!
- Thursday: Having dinner with my friend, Amy. We have a standing dinner date for the last Thursday of every month, which is all kinds of awesome. I expect there to be so much good conversation and delicious food and beer.
- Friday: Rachel and Peter are going to be in town, so Devon and I will be meeting up with them for drinks ((So, unless you are one of my friends that I know in real life, you are probably at this point wondering who Devon is. Remember the time that I said I was looking for a boy who is made of awesome? I found him.)).
And now, to bed! And tonight I’ll make sure to set my iPhone alarm, since I had a bit of a mishap with my alarm clock this morning!
Comments |3|
Category: friends | NaBloPoMo | rampant narcissism
Tags: friends, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo2011, rampant narcissism, socializing
Tags: friends, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo2011, rampant narcissism, socializing
I’m kinda sad I wasn’t mentioned in your weekly roundup 🙁
I haven’t seen you this week, and don’t have plans to see you this week, so it would be rather odd to mention you in a list of people I’m seeing this week, don’t you think?
You’re so sweet, and made with much more awesome than I am.