My First Steak

From the unvegetarian blogger who brought you My First Turkey, comes My First Steak.

Steak from the butcher shop

Ok, so this isn’t the first steak I’ve eaten since becoming an unvegetarian, but it is the first one that I’ve cooked! In fact, now that I think about it, it might be the first steak I’ve ever cooked, period ((Given that I became a vegetarian when I was a young, starving student, I’m guessing that in my meat eating days of yore I was never able to afford something so costly as a steak!)).

So yes, I cooked a steak. I was out and about running errands yesterday and happened to be not too far from Prime Beef, the butcher shop where I bought my Thanksgiving turkey ((Aside: I made turkey pot pie with some of the leftover turkey that I had in the freezer. It was freaking delicious!)). And I decided to buy a steak ((This sudden desire for steak may or may not have had something to do with the fact that Devon was out with his buddies at their annual dinner at Gotham steakhouse, causing me to have steak on the brain)).

Here is the steak in all its pre-cooked glory:





And here it is in its sizzling goodness:

cooking steakAnd here it is on my dinner plate shortly before making its way to my belly:


steak dinnerVerdict: delicious.


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