Happy Birthday, Sister!

today is Nancy's birthday

Today is my sister’s birthday. And what can I say about my sister that I haven’t already said? If you’ve been a reader here for any length of time, you know that my sister is a made of kickass, wrapped in awesomeness, dipped in brilliance, and deep-fried in best-sister-ever-ness. My sister is my go-to person when I need advice, when I need to commiserate, and when I have an idea of utmost brilliance and/or hilarity to share. She talks me off the (metaphorical) ledge on which I often like to put myself ((Oftentimes this involves a spreadsheet of some sort. Figure that one out!)), she does all of the family responsibility stuff (since I’m not there to do it), and she can always make me laugh. My sister is always there for me and I’m so very lucky to have her.

Happy birthday, sister!

P.S. I know that this blog posting should really be enough, but don’t worry, I sent you a real gift in the snail mail.

Image Credit: Posted by Sharyn Morrow on Flickr.

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