Grind It!

In keeping with my new habit of booking physical activity in my calendar, today I did, in fact, do the Grouse Grind with Lianna ((And her friend Tiffany, actually.)), just like it says on my calendar. Amazing how that works, eh?

We originally planned this hike with the idea that we’d push for a 1 hr 15 min finish, but my IT band has been acting up and Lianna & Tiffany “accidentally” went out last night, so they weren’t feeling up to pushing ourselves! In the end, we finished in 1 hr 25 mins, which, while nothing to write home about, is respectable enough.

While we were hiking, I mentioned that this was my first time doing the Grind this year and that I like to do it at least once a year, and Lianna said, “Oh, you did it last year?” and I was all “Oh yeah, I totally did.” But searching through my blog, I can’t find *any* mention of it and now that I think about it, I don’t specifically remember doing it last year. I know I did the Scotiabank half marathon, boot camp, and played hockey for 10 days straight, so it’s not like I was slacking, but I could have sworn I did the Grind too ((If you did the Grind with me any time in 2011, can you let me know so that I’ll know I’m not totally crazy?))!

Anyway, I have now made this page, which is actually just an embedded version of the Google docs spreadsheet I’m using to track all my Grouse Grind hikes, so that I can keep better records!!

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