My First Vancouver Canadians Game
Thanks to a Groupon, I went to my first ever Vancouver Canadians game tonight, thus knocking item #65 off of my 101 things to do in 1001 days list!
For the uninitiated, the Vancouver Canadians are a baseball team that plays in the Northwest League ((No, I didn’t have to look up the name of that league. I can’t believe you’d even suggest that!)), and are an affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays. I’d never been to a game before and had heard they were a tonne of fun, so Cath and I decided to go. And we choose tonight because it was free beach towel night, and Cath and I are a couple of hoopy froods who really know where their towels are.
Cath and I, with aforementioned free beach towel.
The game was pretty fun – the pace was just slow enough to allow us lots of opportunity to catch up with another, but also fast enough that there was some excitement in the game. It’s been a while since I really watched baseball and though I was fine with all the rules and play, I found that I really had no idea why the crowd was boo’ing when it did. Sometimes they boo’ed when the umpire called a strike that was clearly a ball, but often times where was booing for no discernable reason. As for the game itself, the Canadians were winning for much of the game, but then the Hawks tied it up by scoring 3 runs in the 8th inning, and then the Canadians answered back with 1 more run in the bottom of the 8th and managed to hold the Hawks off in the 9th to squeak out the win.
Oddly, there was a foot race between two pieces of sushi and some wasabi, but apparently this is a common occurrence at Vancouver Canadians game.
For the record, Ms. BC Roll won the race. Here she is with her first place ribbon:
Loving my new beach towel!
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Tags: 101 in 1001, baseball, Boise Hawks, sports, Vancouver, Vancouver Canadians
I love the “Nat”, a great deal for a afternoon or evening in Vancouver.
The backstory on the sushi is hilarious! I didn’t get much of a sinister vibe from the wasabi dude myself, but maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention.
Personally, my favourite part was when I sat on my beach towel and the plastic bag it was in exploded with a very rude noise, making the guy behind us laugh his head off