Here’s one for the nerds

As you may recall, I am a huge nerd. As a huge nerd, I love spreadsheets. Tonight, as I was taking a wee snack break from marking assignments, YouTube suggested that I might like this video of standup comedy related to spreadsheets:

You know me so well, YouTube.

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  • This was awesome! I love spreadsheets and have many, mostly to keep track of my bird sightings and my comic book collection. My husband hates this, because he says that’s not what spreadsheets are for and I should just make databases for these things. He LOVES databases and loves writing them and populating and whatever else you do with databases, but I don’t know how to do that, so I will stick with my lowly spreadsheets.


  • lol! Yeah, I’m not much of a database maker (I’ve made a few *very* simple ones it the past with MS Access (which I think real database people would probably laugh at), but I don’t even have MS Access anymore. My lowly spreadsheets do the job for me too!


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