Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone! Hope you all enjoy some green beer (or green beverage of your choice!)

In honor of St. P Day, my hockey team went to the bar and drank beer after our game tonight. OK, in reality we just happened to be at the bar post-game when it turned into St. Paddy’s Day and so we toasted it. We were actually celebrating 4 people’s birthdays (one girl on my team, her bf, his twin brother and another one of our fans), so we had cake. And nachoes. And chicken wings. And beer. And the Irish among us compared the extreme whiteness of our skin. Good times.

Oh yeah, and I brought my camera to the game and got one of our fans to take pics. So pics will be forthcoming.

OK, I’m going to quit it with the rambling and go to bed now. Happy SPD!

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