Why I Love Consignment Store Shopping

I snapped the above shot in the dressing room of Turnabout Consignment Store on my cell phone camera.  Yes, that’s an original tag that tells us that (a) someone paid $395 for this dress (you can’t see it in this photo, but it was from Holt Renfrew) and (b) they never wore it (since the original tag was still on the dress).  And, yes, the other tag shows that this very same dress has now been marked down to $21.  That’s 95% off.

Unfortunately for me, the dress was just a bit too small – I couldn’t quite get the zipper done all the way up and as much as I wanted to tell myself “I could lose 5 lbs and fit into this dress,” I have a strict policy of not buying any item of clothing unless I absolutely *love* it and it fits me perfectly right now, not 5 lbs from now.

And even when I love clothes AND they fit me perfectly, I always stop to ask myself if I love them enough to justify the purchase.  “Sure I love this skirt, but do I $40 love this skirt?”

Here are the clothes that I *did* love enough to buy while shopping at the consignment and thrift stores this week.

New Dress, $24 at Turnabout Consignment Store Tank top $1.29 at Thrift Store; Skirt $5 at Thrift Store Another Look at the Skirt $6.99 at Thrift Store. Shirt = $16 at Turnabout Consignment Store

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  • I *heart* the top you are wearing in the “sexy glasses” photo (the skirt is cool too, as is the dress above). I am hitting the consignment stores, too — I hate having to spend $ on clothes that I am not sure will fit next week or next month (and/or will only fit for a few months), so I am refusing to shop retail. Although I may have to cave with jeans…


  • Thanks, Sar! I *totally* feel in love with that top the second I tried it on. Which is why I was willing to pay a whopping $7 for it, where most shirts in the thrift store cost between $1-$5. I’m not usually one for empire waists, because I find they usually make me look preggers (which, for the record, I am not!), but this one doesn’t. w00t!


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