What Not To Do If You See A Bear While Camping
My sister and her bf took my niece on a camping trip last week. On the way, they were drilling her to remember her name, Nancy’s & Jeff’s names, and their campsite number, in case she got lost. My niece loves rules and memorizing stuff, so I can imagine that this is something she’d consider to be a good time. Upon arriving, there were more rules: what to do if you see a bear! So then they taught her what to do if they saw a bear: stay calm, back away slowly, don’t turn and run, tell the bear “Don’t eat me! I don’t taste very good!”
Later on at the campsite, my sister says, “Pop Quiz, Madeline! What will you do if you see a bear?”
Madeline’s response, “I will tell him that my name is Madeline Zammit and my campsite number is 462.”
Kids are so wicked.
I’m just going to teach Little J to dispatch the bear and bring it home for supper. Far less complicated.