Update on Amor
My friend JB generously offered to let me post this picture in my blog posting on Amor de Cosmos, second Premier of British Columbia. Due to its sheer awesomeness, I figured that it deserves its own blog posting:

Apparently kids were hired to play historical figures to entertain tourists at the Parliament Buildings in Victoria.
Amor is the guy in the middle with the top hat. My friend is the one in the front. The chick with the crown is the Queen, but I have no idea who these other characters are!
Amor de Cosmos means love of the universe in Spanish.
@Raul – Did you read my posting on Amor? He changed his name to that.
Francis Rattenbury designed the Parliament Buildings (at the age of 25, after winning the competition using a pseudonym). Nellie Cashman was a nurse and gold prospector who ran a boarding house for miners. James Douglas worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company and was the first governor of the Colony of British Columbia (predating the Province of British Columbia, and thus predating Beth’s interest in him). All three of them are buried in Ross Bay Cemetery. Yes, this is all off the top of my head. Hamish McKinnon, meantime, was just a cute Scottish stonemason with a thing for the lasses.
Gee, JB, how did you ever get cast as Hamish, the one with the thing for the lasses?
Thanks for the history lesson on who these peeps were. Now I remember James Douglas – Amor didn’t like him very much, what with his hate on for representative government and his crazy ideas about wanting the church to run the state.