Wanted: Method of Destruction

With the BC provincial election just more than a month away, there’s been surprisingly little said about it. I haven’t heard much in the news, I haven’t seen a single lawn sign and I don’t yet even know the names of the candidates in my riding1.

So it was very much to my surprise when I arrived home today to discover not one, but *two*, packages in the mail from my local neocons-that-call-themselves-“Liberal”-party candidate:

icky by you.

They lose points2 with me for sending me identical packages – such a waste of paper! – and even more points for addressing one of those packages to me with my ex-husband’s last name. Double ick!

However. You may remember from the federal election campaign that I have a penchant for destroying Conservative* brochures. So double packages of brochures means double the destructive fun!

To recap, I have used the following methods to destroy, or attempt to destroy, Conservative* election brochures in the past: shredding, burning, burning while doused in rubbing alcohol, soaking in vinegar.  I’m now taking suggestions for methods by which to destroy these BC (Not-In-Any-Way-)Liberals brochures.  I’ll pick the two best (feasible) methods of destruction and use them, recording the results for your enjoyment.

Let the suggestions begin…

1I figure I have enough time to find out who they are and what they stand for now that I have a bit more free time.

2Who am I kidding? As if they had any points to lose with me!3

3So now they are even more in the negative with me than they were before4.

4What is less than negative infinity anyway?

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