T minus 4 Days To The Half Marathon… And They Need You To Volunteer!
The BMO Vancouver Marathon is looking for volunteers!
From an email I just got:
We are looking for Course Marshals or as we refer to them as “the cheering squad” ~ help lead these runners along the route!
We need some strong people to help at the finish line and always a little help giving these runners some very well deserved food at the end of their big day!
We thank all of those who have given their energy, time and support to this great event! Come be a part of our dynamic volunteer team and create a memory these runners will remember forever!
You can contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@vanmarathon.bc.ca
Miss604 mentioned on her blog yesterday that volunteers are desperately needed!
Since I’m one of the people running at this event you can chalk this blog posting up as a little self-serving! But you know you want to come out on Sunday and cheer me, Alicia and thousands of our fellow runners along. Or feed us. It’s especially important that someone is there to feed me after I run 21.1 km!
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Tags: BMO Vancouver International Marathon, doing good, half marathon, running, sports, Vancouver