Less Than A Week ‘Til Blogathon!

Only six days ’til Blogathon and I have yet to get a donation!  I’m going to send out a mass email tonight to try to shake people down for some cash, but I thought I’d also post a reminder here for all y’all whose email addresses I don’t have!  Click the pretty banner below to pledge some cash to my charity of choice: Options for Sexual Health.  Click it now! Click it now!!

blog468x60 by you.Don’t forget to donate!

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  • I made a pledge for you yippie!!!! and I put a link to your blog on my blog. god that sounds dirty


  • Reply

  • i was searching for vancouver bloggers a while back, and found your blog and have been enjoying it.. lurking here for awhile. I did post once when your palm crashed. Your blog helped to get e off my ass and blog myself.


  • Done. Our bad for not doing it sooner. Contemplating blog topics. Do you need one post from each of us or two each?


  • @amoosefloats – So you did (post before). You'd think seeing as I only have about 4 regular commenters here, I'd remember such things. I'm such a comment ingrate.

    Also, your donation buys you the right to suggest a topic for one of my 49 blog postings for Blogathon. It has to be something that requires no research and that I can write in like 10 mins max. So really, it's of more benefit to me (as I need 49 freakin' ideas) than to you. I'm so generous like that.


  • Awesome! You guys rock!

    As for the posts, if both you and Dave are willing to do one each, I'd love that (the closer Saturday gets, the bigger a number 49 appears to be!), but I'll take what I can get so if you want to co-write one, I'm down with that too.

    Also, your donation also earns you the right to pick a topic that you want me to blog about. Same rules as above!


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