My Dad is the Brett Favre of the Brake Parts Industry – Part 2
I was talking to my dad the other day and he pointed out that in addition to his revolving door of retirement, there is another reason that he is the Brett Favre of the brake parts industry:
Favre breaks record with 283rd consecutive game
My father prides himself on his perfect attendance record ((now, as a someone who works in Public Health, I would be remiss if I didn’t state that anyone who has the flu should really stay home to limit the spread of the virus. But my dad really does have the strongest immune system I’ve ever seen, so he very, very rarely gets sick)), which stretched through his entire career at the brake part factory and, prior to that, for many years at the Mack Truck factory. Brett Favre hasn’t missed playing a football game since the 1992 season, and I’d venture to say that my dad’s perfect attendance record goes at least as far back at that.
Update 14 December 2009: Spoke to my dad on the phone tonight and, as it turns out, his perfect attendance at work streak stretches back to 1985, when he took off half a day to go to his friend’s funeral. That was 24 years ago. Twenty-four. That’s a TWO, followed by a FOUR. As in “when I was 8 years old.” Did you take a sick day this year? If so, you’ve had far more sick time than my dad has in the last quarter century.