Opening Ceremonies Rehearsal

So I bet you want to know all about the Olympics Opening Ceremony, the dress rehearsal for which I attended tonight, don’t you?  But I can’t tell you.  I mean, I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.  You know how it is with state secrets.  There were parts that are so secret they didn’t even show them.  They had stand ins for celebrities and in the place of the person’s name on the screen it would just say “Talent ID” or “Flag Bearer 1.” Anyway, suffice it to say that’s it’s pretty awesome.  Especially the part where Quatchi does a striptease.

Less awesome = the lineups.  We stood in no fewer that five lineups tonight – one to get into the stadium, one for the bathroom, two food lineups (because you can’t buy both the overpriced veggie dogs and the overpriced fries at the same concession stand) and a lineup for Skytrain to get home.  The lineup to get into the stadium was the most crazy – it circled around several blocks!  The food lineups were longer than they needed to be, both because they wouldn’t sell fries at the hot dog concession counter (even though the two concessions were side-by-side and appeared to share a kitchen) and because the people working there were, to put it nicely, not very efficient.  Lineups are not my friend.

But the show totally made it worth all the lineups!  I can’t wait to see it on TV on Friday!

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