Things I Saw On My Run Today
- baby Canada geese
- many, many dogs that were very happy to be spending the afternoon at the beach or the park
- many, many joggers – many of whom were running faster than I was
- many, many bikers – some of whom were biking slower than I was running ((I’m not even sure how that’s possible, but there you have it))
- an older gentleman holding a single red rose, sitting on a bench, and looking expectantly up the path
- two guys dressed in 1980s YMCA gear – I’m talking bright red short shorts, tall socks, headbands and wristbands – playing ping pong on the beach
- many people who were oblivious to the fact that they were walking right in my way ((note to everyone: if you are walking two or three people across a narrow seawall path and you see a runner heading towards you, move out of the @#$%ing way. kthxbai))
- this:
- this monument:
- which I envisioned to look like this:
- and these 10 stop signs a top a hill, which I’ve seen several times before and which always make me wonder – why the hell are they there? ((some kind of art installation?))
Image Credits: Image of Alex Burrows was posted by VancityAllie on Flickr with a license saying it was allowed to be remixed. So I remixed it. The rest of the photos are mine.
Apparently you weren’t doing much running if you had time to take all the pictures. 😛
That’s why I need an app that can read my mind – so I don’t have to stop, switch my my mapmyrun app to my camera, take the photo and then resume my mapmyrun app.