Over 8 Coupons! Or, You Know, 9.

Over 8 coupons! Or, you know, 9.

Get Over Eight Coupons

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  • Was it seriously just 9? That’s hilarious.

    I would have made it 10 just to throw people off.

    P.S. Having to do the reCAPTCHA every time I comment is a bit annoying. And by “bit,” I actually mean “a lot.” As in “a lot annoying.” Is there a plug-in that just does reCAPTCHA for non-logged in people? Like reCAPTCHA for IntenseDebate, so we can have threading back?

    Has it helped your spam, at least?


  • Yup, it was 9.

    And yup, reCAPTCHA has really, really helped with the spam problem. I haven’t had a single spam comment get through since I added the reCAPTCHA plugin (and I was getting a ridiculous number before that). I just checked the reCAPTCHA plugin settings and there is a “Hide reCAPTCHA for registered users” option, so I’ve checked that checkbox. But I have no idea how you could become a “registered” user, so not sure how useful this will be. Perhaps it will work for you since you had admin access to my blog, but not sure about anyone else.

    On the plus side, everytime you do the reCAPTCHA, you are helping to digitize literature!


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