365 Day Photo Challenge – Update

So 151 days ago I started the 365 photo challenge – and have taken a photo of myself every single day since then ((well, I haven’t taken today’s yet. But I still have time)). A disproportionate amount of them are in my bed, since many days I only remember to do it at the end of the day!  On Thursdays I take a photo of myself in whatever outfit I wore to teach that night – it helps me make sure I don’t wear the same thing twice! – and you can actually see them appear diagonally through the set – I’m almost always in the same location and do the same pose.

Here are a few of my favs:

Day 44 Day 24 Day 40 Day 81 Day 106 Day 114 Day 107

and yesterday’s:

Day 150

which was inspired by Darren tweeted about sliding glass doors on bathtubs, which I happen to have.  So, yeah, basically I’m running on empty as far as ideas for photos go.  Do you have ideas? If so, you should probably tell those ideas to me!

Also, check out the set and let me know in the comments section which ones are your favs!

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