How Did I Become One of *Those* People

Back in the day, I used to be able to order my coffee thusly: “Large double-double.” Three simple words – actually, it’s only two simple words, one of which you say twice.

Day 152

Today, this is how I ordered my coffee: “Tall caramel brulee, with soy, half-sweet, extra-extra hot, with whip.” How annoying!

But you see, yesterday, today and I think tomorrow and the next day, Starbucks has its “holiday drinks” on for buy-1-get-1-free between 2-5 p.m. Which basically means that you can get a hot beverage for $2.50 instead of an insanely priced $5.  Yesterday, my co-worker and I got soy peppermint mochas and (a) they were way too freaking sweet and (b) they were lukewarm. Since, due to the aforementioned insane prices ((and the ridiculous calorie contents)), I very rarely get anything but Americanos at Starbucks, and thus I had forgotten that fancy pants drinks at Starbucks are always way too cold. So today’s order basically reflected the fact that the standard way they make their drinks is subpar, so I had to clarify that I like my hot drinks to actually be hot and I like to not be in a sugar coma. Not because I’ve somehow become a coffee princess.

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  • I am always happy their hot chocolates are not hot because I find hot drinks in general far too hot.

    Plus, it happened because you were socialized into being a snob during your quest for the Ph.D. 😛 And probably because there is a coffee “culture” in Vancouver, which is scary.


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