I am, in fact, still alive

This might be the longest I’ve ever gone without blogging!  I’ll write more about each of these things, but since I last blogged I have:

  • gotten a haircut and colour with an awesome new stylist
  • flown to Toronto
  • spent time with my parents (for the first time in TWO YEARS), my sister, her bf and my niece
  • hung out with Kalev
  • flown to Ottawa (my first time on Porter Air)
  • hung out with Sarah, Dave and the kids and Sarah’s parents
  • gone to the Diefenbunker!  Which just so happens to be the coolest museum in the history of ever.

So yeah, alive, but clearly too busy – and having too much fun – to blog. I will blog more soon, though. But not now, as they just called general boarding for my flight!

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