This is my 1977th blog posting. Which is significant, of course, because I was born in 1977.

In preparation for this momentous occasion, I started writing a posting with a list of interesting things that happened in 1977 – pretty much picking and choosing those things that caught my attention on the list on the Wikipedia page for 1977. But in light of news of Steve Job’s passing, which I just heard on Twitter – on my MacBook Pro – when I got home from work this evening, I’ve deleted everything on my list except this:

  • January 3rd, 1977 – Apple Computer Inc. was incorporated.
Goodbye, Steve.

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  • Such sad news, and such a shock. He literally made a personal impact on the lives of millions. Let’s hope he went on to a world with no Windows. 🙂


  • A month and a half ago, there was a paparazzo picture of Jobs, and he looked so, so ill. I said to Dave that he looked just like Jack Layton (who died a few days later). Man, this year sucks for cancer deaths.

    Rest in Peace, Steve.


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