And speaking of my 101 list…
In addition to the epic road trip I told you about yesterday, there are a few other things that I’ve knocked off my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.
52. cook a decent tasting Eggplant Parmesan
Thank goodness I said “decent” tasting and not “outstanding.” Because I finally gave Eggplant Parm a try and I think it turned out solidly in the “decent” realm, but I’ve had better. But it’s done and it gives me a baseline to compare when I try out other recipes!
Draining water from the eggplant:
Coating the eggplant in breadcrumbs:
After frying ((This picture makes me think of this clip from the Simpsons.)):
Layering – layers of fried eggplant with homemade tomato sauce and various cheeses. How can you go wrong?
The finished product:
81. participate in five research projects
- I joined the BC Generations Project
- I completed the “Experiences of Exercise” study (three-part survey; Nov 18, 2012; Jan 10, 2013)
- Participated in the Equity Lens in Public Health project (12 Sept 2013)
- Mindfulness & Authentic Leadership study (13 Sept 13);
- participant in a project that is researching researchers with a particular type of research grant (2011-13)]
I’m also on the verge of signing up for a super cool studying on running, but that will be worth its own blog posting (or 7) if I end up joining (and as I participate in it – it’s 13 weeks long, so I figure that’s gotta be worth a few blog postings at least!).
100. print eight photos and put them in the photo frame that I bought ages ago that has been handing on my wall with the stock photos in it, because that really looks quite ridiculous the way it is
I’m particularly proud of having done this, since it was so ridiculous that I’d not done it for so long!
Photos: Top row from left to right: My dad; Me, my mom, my Aunt Lynn, and my Aunt Eileen near a Tim Horton’s sign at a Spar gas station in Ireland; My niece holding my nephew on the day he was born; Nancy, Jeff, me, and Dan doing the CN Tower Edgewalk. Bottom row from left to right: Me and Dan about to embark on the Grouse Grind; My niece and I in Portland; My mom, Nancy, and me at the Empress Hotel in Victoria; My niece and nephew in Portland.
For the record, this means I’ve now knocked 12 items off my 101 list in 2013. And you may recall that my goal for the year was to knock 13 items off my list, so I’m 12/13ths of the way there, and it’s only 5/6ths of the way through the year! Go me!
wow the food looks so good. the right bread crumbs will move this from decent to outstanding….lol