That’s A Lot of Drugs
Spent this evening reading and writing about the pharmaceutical industry – the topic of a paper and presentation that I have due on Monday. Just realized I hadn’t blogged anything yet today and since I’m too tired to actually think of anything new, I’m going to share with you some data about pharmaceutical sales in Canada. Like, for example, did you know that in Canada we spent $12.8 billion dollars on patented drugs last year? And that represented 59.3% of all pharmaceuticals sales (with the other 40.7% spent on non-patented and generic drugs)? Meaning that in Canada we spent a total of $21.6 billion dollars on pharmaceuticals in 2012! That is a lot of drugs.
These data, and much more, can be found in the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board’s 2012 Annual Report. Just a little light bedtime reading for you!
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Tags: Canada, NaBloPoMo, NaBloPoMo2013, pharmaceutical expenditures
wow that’s a lot of drug money… you should ask the mayoro how much he spends on the not legal drugs….. lol