834.7 km

And speaking of my 2015 goals, another one was to run 800 km. Mission accomplished!

834.7 kmI actually hit the 800 km mark back in Oct shortly before running the Rock’n’Roll 10 km race. And then after it got cold and rainy and dark and I had no other races to train for, and it became very easy to not go out running. In fact, after the 10 km race, I only went on three more short runs for the entire rest of the year ((When I packed for my trip to Toronto, I didn’t pack any running gear, which was kind of strange, as I haven’t travelled anywhere in a long time where I didn’t bring my running gear.))! I decided that rather than make myself go running in the cold and the dark and the wet while I had no race for motivation and take the fun out of running, I’d take a bit of a break from running until the new year. And now that the days are getting longer and I’m starting to think about the races to do in the new year, I think I’ll really be ready to get back into running when I return from my holiday.

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