This May Be The Only Way I’ll Participate in a Full Marathon

And speaking of races that I’m going to run in 2016, thanks to my friend Julie, who you may recall from the PNE Donut Dash and the longest game of hockey, I’m already registered for one:

BMO marathon relay tweet

The marathon relay involves four people teaming up to complete the 42.2 km of the full marathon as a team. For some reason, the legs aren’t an even distance – I’m guessing it has something to do with where on the route there are convenient places for relay team members to trade off the timing chip, which serves as the relay baton. The legs are approximately:

  • 12 km
  • 12 km
  • 5 km
  • 13 km

My team, which Julie has put together, is going to be meeting up in the new year to figure out who is going to run which leg and other such important details.

I figure that running in this race, which is on May 1, can probably be incorporated into my training for, say, the Scotiabank half marathon in late June, as I intend to make 2016 the year that I finally break that elusive sub-2 hour half marathon goal!

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