
Category: Blogathon

  • Blogathon Debrief

    So I’m a bit of a perfectionist. And the speed and sleep deprivation that accompanies blogging every half hour for 24 hours straight does not lend itself to perfection. So there are some things from my Blogathon – things I couldn’t remember in the haste of blogathoning – that I feel the need to rectify. […]

  • #49 – The End!

    Hey, remember that time, 48 blog posts ago, when I thought it would be a good idea to blog for 24 hours straight?  That was good times. Here’s me a fewof hours ago at Workspace, blogging about the important issues of the day: Props to all the bloggers who wrote all day and all night […]

  • #48 – My 40th Birthday, Being Planned WAAAAAY In Advance

    So, remember how I got a bunch of friends to go surfing with me in Tofino for my 30th birthday?  My *January* birthday.  Well, it was a tonne of fun, but FSM it was cold.  So I decided shortly thereafter that for my 40th birthday, I want to go surfing somewhere warm.  You know, like […]

  • #47 – Cool Words

    Words I love: characterological exegesis juxtaposition phagocytosis Words I hate: problematize hegemony Words I feel like I should love or hate, but about which I haven’t yet formed an opinion: evaluand expectorate Don’t forget to donate! Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!!

  • #45 – If I Were To Write A Book

    So, did I mention I’m a procrastinator? When I put out the call for donations, I said that anyone who donated to my Blogathon charity woudl earn the right to requeset a topic for one of my blog postings.  Sarah & Dave were the only people who took me up on this offer (which was […]

  • #44 – Word to Your Moms, I Came to Drop Bombs

    I’m totally not going to do this title justice.  But it’s the middle of the goddamn night and my brain is fried, so I’ll take what I can get at this point. Moms. All out of nowhere, everyone seems to have babies!  I’m currently reading no fewer than THREE blogs written by women with new […]

  • #43 – Guest Posting: 17 Random Things Books Taught Me

    ZOMG! I’m such a scatterbrain!  I haven’t even posted Dave’s guest posting yet!  I suck!  Here it is – and, as always with Dave’s writing, it’s freaking hilarious! Despite this being a theme I suggested, I’ve had a lot of trouble figuring out what to write. I wanted to lock onto one idea—one book—and write […]

  • #42 – Stuff People Google

    So that last post reminded me of blog stats, the wonderful world where you can find what words and phrases people have Googled to end up on your blog.  Here’s a list of some, uh, interesting things people have Googled lately to land here: the leave in the canadian flag [that’s some awesome spelling. you […]

  • #41 – Plugins, My Plugins

    One of the big things that prompted me to switch from a blog to a self-hosted blog was that I kept hearing people talk about all the awesome plugins they used and you could only get those plugins if you were self-hosted.  Plugins that optimize your blog for search engines, plugings that allow […]

  • #40 – Guest Post: The Story of Beth & Kalev

    This guest posting by Kalev just arrived in my mailbox.  Kalev is trying to make me cry!  So I’ve bumped the posting I was working on until next half hour, ‘cuz I needed to post this one right away! The funny thing about me and Beth being friends is that we don’t quite remember when […]

February 2025