#41 – Plugins, My Plugins

One of the big things that prompted me to switch from a WordPress.com blog to a self-hosted WordPress.org blog was that I kept hearing people talk about all the awesome plugins they used and you could only get those plugins if you were self-hosted.  Plugins that optimize your blog for search engines, plugings that allow people to subscribe to comments from individual posts, plugins that perform open heart surgery for you.

Here I give you the list of all the plugins that I currently have on my blog:

  • AddQuicktag – Allows me to quickly insert code into my blog. I use it to quickly add my many, many1 footnotes and, today, for adding the Blogathon banner, which is linked to my Blogathon donation page2 at the bottom of each blog posting today.
  • Advertising Manager – Although I haven’t actually set it up, I could totally put Google Adsense ads on my blog. Totally.
  • AJAX Comment Preview allows you to preview your comments before you post them. Unforutunately, it does work with the Disqus plugin, but I’ve left it in place ‘cuz I haven’t decided if I like Disqus enough to keep it.  Ditto for Subscribe To Comments, which, as the name suggests, allows you to subscribe to comments.
  • Akismet – an absolute must, this plugin keeps the spam comments at bay.
  • All in One SEO Pack is the one that optimizes your blog for search engines. Because I’d hate it if someone couldn’t find my list of hockey hotties merely because my blog was optimized for their search.
  • Contact Form 7 creates a contact form so peeps can email me.
  • DISQUS Comment System – I installed this one because it allows you to have threaded comments.  But it wants people to join Disqus and login and such. Haven’t decided if I’ll keep this one.
  • Google Analytics for WordPress – because I need to know when someone lands on my blog by Googling “ripped fingers” or “cute aunty body.”  Ditto for WordPress.com Stats – I have both of them because they tend to give you slightly different info.
  • WordPress Database Backup – because if the whole Internet implodes, I need to know that my ingenious writings have been preserved.

1And I do mean “many.”
2Speaking of which, did you donate yet?

blog468x60 by you.Don’t forget to donate!

Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!

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