Pimping Tanya’s Run
Tanya over at netchick.ca is running a half marathon in DisneyWorld with Buzz Bishop’s 95 Crave Team Diabetes on Jan 10, 2009 (that’s one day before my birthday!) to raise money for the Canadian Diabetes Association. And you should sponsor her!
Why, you ask? Well, if supporting a worthy cause1 isn’t good enough reason, how about COLD HARD CASH?
Tanya’s running a contest where you will be entered into a draw for $500 in cold hard cash if you sponsor her run (2 contest entries for every increment of $25 that you pledge) and/or blog about her campaign. Pledge before September 4, 2008 to get an extra contest entry!
Go here to sponsor Tanya! And while you are at her blog, wish her the best of luck with her training and her race. Do it! Do it now!
P.S. Good luck with the fundraising, the training and the race itself, T!
1Seriously, who doesn’t know someone affected by diabetes? Personally, I have type II diabetes on both sides of my family (my mom and my paternal grandmother) and know several people who are afflicted by it. And it causes some serious health problems – blindness, amputations, and it’s a major risk factor for heart disease!
Thanks so much for the pledge, and the support, Beth!! 😀 I’m still $650 short for my first fundraising goal of $1500 for Sept. 4. I’m scrambling to get this first goal accomplished… 2 days to go!