It only happens once in the life of every car…

It only happens once in the life of every car... by you.

And you only get 1 km in which to capture the photographic evidence.  Fortunately, I was driving down 12th Avenue when it happened and I was stopped at virtually every red light, so I was able to snap this photo without endangering myself and those around me.

And speaking of my beloved car, I dropped her off at the dealership this evening, where she will be diagnosed and fixed and hopefully given back to me soon.  They’ve given me a loaner smart car with a sunroof and A/C, which, given that it was 31 degrees1 (!) when I got off work today, I really shouldn’t complain about. I figure I’ll enjoy that while I’ve got it and I’ll try not to miss my Zaphod Beeblebrox the Car too much!

1For my American readers, 31 degrees C is ~88 degrees F.

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