#19 – Population Health & the BC Paraplegic Association

And speaking of health, I’ve been meaning to share a few videos with you that I saw at a conference recently.

First, a video on Population Health.  Unfortunately, I can’t seem to embed it1, so you have to go here to see it.  It’s nice to see that people are really starting to appreciate the importance of the social determinants of health in addition to the biological ones.

Second, a video about the BC Paraplegic Association’s Peer Program2:

I found this one very inspiring!  It makes me happy to see people doing such important and meaningful work!

1I tried to use VodPod, but it only seemed to get the upper left hand corner.
2It’s on YouTube, so it’s embedalicious.

blog468x60 by you.Don’t forget to donate!

Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!

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  • Boo! The depressing (well, the first half) pop. health video caused my computer to crash. I will come back to it later and watch it to comment more meaningfully. For the time being, let me say that I am glad that I am food secure and I live in an area where I can afford housing. And my amazing family helped me get an education and a start in life. Thank you, amazing family.


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