#30 – These Are A Few of My Favourite Tweets
Taking the screenshot of my tweet for my last posting reminded me that I totally need to share with you my favourite tweets!
And the favouriting of my own tweets isn’t quite as narcissistic as it looks. I mostly do it to make particular tweets of mine easier to find when I want to go back to them. And also, because I’m a narcissist.
Related post: My favourite tweets from before Nov 8, 2008.
Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!
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Category: Blogathon | Geekery | rampant narcissism
Tags: Blogathon, Blogathon 2009, Blogathon Vancouver 2009, Geekery, rampant narcissism, stuff on the internets, tweet, Twitter
Tags: Blogathon, Blogathon 2009, Blogathon Vancouver 2009, Geekery, rampant narcissism, stuff on the internets, tweet, Twitter
Question – is there a way to find out which of your Tweets have been favourited by others? (And yes, this is for purely narcissistic reasons 🙂
Hey, if we're talking narcissism, I'm just gonna go ahead and say that that bowtie one of mine is my favourite tweet (of my own tweets, not the worlds.) It came out of seeing this ad on the bus for some Ottawa Sun columnist with the slogan “First in attitude!” And it was this older, uber-conservative (the Sun? No!?!), bowtie wearing douchebag featured in the ad and, well… you can see how it writes itself.
I love perusing other peoples favourite tweets. So much hilarity on the intertubes in one simple location. But I too would love to know if there is some sort of reverse favourite lookup. Cuz I too am just that narcissistic.
Oh, and I am uber honoured to have made it to your favourites list! WOOT!
I have asked the twitterverse. I shall report back. Because I, too, need to know which of my tweets have been fav'd by others. NEED!
Try this google search- site:twitter.com/*/favourites @your-twitter-username (replacing your-twitter-username with your twitter username).
Awesome! Thanks so much!
I knew the twitterverse would know!
Cilantro is the devil. That is all.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read that.
I agree. Cilantro is the devil. I just so happen to LOVE the devil. Seriously, cilantro makes me a little wet in the bathing suit region.
Also – stoked about the twitterverse response!