#39 – Guest Posting: Adventures in Beth-Friending, volume 2
And now part 2 of this guest posting extravaganza by Sarah! Again, with my comments added in [square brackets] and in italics.
So, volume 2. Dave has retired for the night. He says: “Tell everyone that I am lame and am going to bed. Unlike Beth, who rocks.” I cannot guarantee that the content of this post will be stellar, but it will be content. And a reference for Beth.
2001: Beth and Sarah talk and email frequently; but do not see each other until the end of the year. Sarah is muddling through her MSc, Beth working on her PhD. Beth and TMwwodbhEX come back for the holidays and we hang out. And they’re subjected to an incredibly awkward moment, when Dave gets a call letting him know that his Poppy has died. Happy 2002!
2002: Once again, B&S only see each other once, this time when Beth comes to London for a Let’s Talk Science conference. This begins a trend; the two meet up in London every year for several years. [I don’t think I ever told you how much it meant to me that you always drove out to London to see me!] Sarah finishes her MSc and moves back to Georgetown while she tries to get in with the GoC.
2003: The trend continues; one visit in the summer of the year. Sarah and Dave get engaged in early July, though, and Beth agrees to be in the wedding party. [Yay in the wedding party! My first time ever being in a wedding party! First and only, actually!] Beth rocks.
2004: THREE visits this year! Sarah and the rest of the bridal party [a.k.a., The Coalition of the Wedding] head out to Vancouver for the bachlorette party in June; it is an amazing time. In July, Beth comes back to the conference in London. And Beth is in Sarah and Dave’s wedding in October. It’s a tonne of fun.
2005: We manage two visits this year; Beth comes to visit Sarah and Dave in their apartment in Ottawa (to where they’d moved in the fall of ’04). The first visit is prior to her annual conference in London, and Beth goes to Question Period at the House of Commons. The second is November. Beth checks out a potential post-doc in Montreal and spends the week working on her thesis in our apartment. [This is yet another thing that I can never find the words to express how much it meant to me. This was during the period when TMwwodbmEX and I were separated, but I hadn’t yet told anyone. And having the two of you invite me to stay with you, be so happy to hang out with me and make me feel loved was exactly what I needed in such a dark time in my life.] The cats love her. [And I love those cats!] Dave and I have late night chats about how wonderful it is to have her around and how we wish she lived closer. This is also the year that the two of them begin to blog in earnest.
2006: Vancouver visits galore! Dave and Sarah head out for over a week in April (for the aborted thesis defense), details of which can be found here: http://touchyoulast.blogspot.com/search?q=vancouver and here: http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/2006/04/19/fucksocks-sarah-dave-rock/ . Then, Sarah heads back to Vancouver in August for the actual defense, details of which are recorded here: http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/2006/08/10/the-transportation-misadventures-of-sarah/ . [Again, yet another example of how Sarah and Dave are freakin’ amazing people. I mean, who flies across the country TWICE, to help out a friend. Sarah, that’s who!] Beth starts job hunting.
2007: For her 30th, D&S promise Beth an adventure. A trip to AB fits the bill, though Calgary leaves a lot to be desired. Sarah head to Vancouver for a few days (Beth has just started her new job), then Beth and Sarah meet up with Dave at the home of another friend in Cowtown. Details of these adventures can be found here: http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/2007/03/30/western-canadian-hijinks/ and here: http://touchyoulast.blogspot.com/search?q=calgary . Beth also comes back to Ontario at Xmas, and she comes to Ottawa to visit. Details of her wintery visit can be found here: http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/2007/12/28/choose-my-own-adventure-ottawa-style/ .
2008: Beth comes to visit the GTA in June; Dave and Sarah visit her briefly. Then, Sarah heads out to Vancouver in August. Details are here: http://www.nottobetrustedwithknives.com/2008/08/21/sarah-is-here-sarah-is-here/ We still talk all the time and email and blog, etc.
2009: Sadly, no visits yet. BUT – two months from today, Dave, Teddy and Sarah will be in Vancouver. WOOT! We miss Beth and cannot wait to see her. [I am the worst EVER because I haven’t yet been out to meet Teddy yet! I can’t wait to see you guys too!!]
And there you go… [and here’s to many more adventures to come!!]
Read about the charity that I’m supporting, Options for Sexual Health!
Comments |5|
Tags: Blogathon, Blogathon 2009, Blogathon Vancouver 2009, nostalgia
Oh boy, here come my replies to your comments based on my entry…
– Those London visits were my pleasure. You'd come halfway across the country; the least I could do was drive for an hour! I love that, despite the fact that we were in our early 20s, we still hung out at Tim's. I mean, we ate Indian Food first, but still…
– I feel bad about not picking up on the full extent of the separation situation. I mean, when you came to visit that time it was clear that TMwwodbyEH was being a totally selfish tool (I remember saying as much to Dave at the time – who threatens not to accompany their spouse to a job in Montreal?), but I wish I'd articulated it more. I'm just glad that you felt loved when you came to visit, because it's true!
– And don't sweat it about not meeting Teddy yet. You live on the other side of the country, and you just switched jobs so you have no vacation time. No worries – you'll see him soon! Yeah!! Also – kid's going to see the Pacific before he sees the Atlantic. Strange for someone who lives in the Eastern Time Zone, no?
Oh, don't feel bad about picking up on the separation thing. As you know, I kept a lot of it to myself until I'd had time to process it all, so there's no way you could have known.
And, yeah, the no vacation with the new job is sucky. Come 2010, though, it's vacation city!
2010 looks less fun for me. No idea what I'll be doing, work-wise. And much less vacay. It'll be your turn to visit then, k?
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