I Need A Naturopath!
Does anyone know a naturopath that might be interested in giving a guest lecture to my 4th year nutrition class? My students and I are interested in hearing from a naturopath about what they do in general and, in particular, how nutrition fits into their practice .
The naturopath who talked to my class last year, the sister of my friend Shalu, is unavailable on Thursday nights (which is when my class is). The only other naturopath I know is the one that I’ve seen personally, but she dislikes teaching. So if anyone knows a naturopath that would be interested, drop me a comment or send me an email.
contact the provincial association. BC Naturopathic Association
1-800-277-1128 bcna@bcna.ca They should be able to find someone happy to speak.
That's a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion – I'm totally doing that!
Walter Lemmo from inspirehealth.ca might be willing to come in.
I recommend Rehana Kassam from the Back to Wellness Centre if she's available — very knowledgable, articulate, and nutrition-oriented.
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! I have found someone with the help of the BCNA, but I'll keep the others in mind should I need someone again.