ZOMG, This Hallowe’en Costume Is The Bomb!
But the photo doesn’t have a Creative Commons license, so you’ll have to go to the Flickr photo page to see it.Update: Janette is awesome and put a Creative Commons license on this photo, so now I can share it with you here! Thanks, Janette! I hope your little Quatchi gets lots of candy on Saturday!
I may or may not have a search for Quatchi Flickr photos in my Google Reader.
Update: Janette linked to this video in the comments section and I had to post it: too cute!!
Photo credit:
I'm pretty sure that guy works at the Naam.
Why, thank you! I've changed the license type; late night oversight. (But what a good netizen you are for respecting the license!!)
Dave, you cracked us up. We have been known to eat at the Naam, but that guy serves up websites, rather than bowls of noodles, for a living.
When did you have a baby?!?!?
You've clearly been out of town for too long!
So cute!
We got our friends' son a Quatchi toy and took it over to England to give to him when he was about 6 months old. He LOVED it, and its fur was the exact same colour as his hair! His parents can't wait to show him a full-size Quatchi on TV at the opening ceremonies.
Quatchi lives!