Kale – It’s Not Just For Wearing Anymore

Now, we all know that kale makes an excellent fashion accessory. But did you know that you can EAT kale?  True story!

My favourite way to eat kale is toasted into crispy deliciousness.  The recipe I use is here, but it can be summarized into five easy steps.

Step 1: Wash the kale and rip it up into little pieces (getting rid of the inner ribs):

Day 249


Step 2: Coat with a bit of olive oil (essentially, you want to massage the kale with the oil to soften it up a bit).

Step 3: Sprinkle with a bit of red wine vinegar ((you can experiment with other vinegars too. The recipe called with sherry vinegar, which I don’t have, so I usually use red wine vinegar. But it’s good with balsamic vinegar too)).

Step 4: Spread on a cookie sheet and cook at 300 degrees F for ~35 minutes, until the kale is crispy.

Kale Chips

Step 5: Sprinkle with sea salt and enjoy your kale chips!

Kale Chips

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