Happy 100K Page Views To Me!

So the other day I noticed that I was quite near to having 100,000 page views here on ye ole blog ((Of course, this is just on this particular URL – so only going back to Jan 2009. I had a bunch o’ page views on the old URL, but since I wiped it out when I transferred it here, I don’t think I can recover those stats)), so I’ve been checking in periodically to see if I could catch it right when I hit the 100K mark. Yesterday, I noticed that I was only 111 page views away:


So I tweeted that, in the hopes that it would prompt some Twitter followers to check out my blog and thus bump up those numbers ((Shameless self promotion FTW!!)). And then I promptly got distracted – oooh, something shiny! – and when I remembered to look at it later, I was 10 page views past the milestone:


Happy 100,010 to me!

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