Random Whatever
So I decided to stay in tonight because (a) I’ve been doing entirely too many things lately and I’m freaking exhausted, (b) I still haven’t recovered sleep from last weekend’s hockey playoffs ((seriously, who schedules games at the unholy hours of 10:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. on weekend days??)) and (c) I have a bunch of end-of-term marking to do. And here it is 11:30 p.m. and I haven’t done a stitch of marking ((though I did respond to some student emails, so that’s something at least)) and I just realized that I hadn’t even blogged today! D’oh! Too bad I phoned in a blog posting so recently – so I can’t do that again! Instead, I give you a few random thoughts:
- My sister was quoted in this news article about going to an organic spa as a preggo. They make a point of noting that she does not own a car. Hippy.
- Looks like the riding I’m now in federally is a bit of a Conservative stronghold. Boo-urns.
- Speaking of the Conservatives, this site is hilarious:Â http://www.stephenharperisatotallynormalguy.com/
- Have you donated to the Longest Game for CF yet? The very first donation that was received in my name was from someone that I don’t know, but who I am pretty sure is one of my blog readers ((As the donation amount was $24.20, something that I mentioned in my blog posting.)). So thank you, blog reader of mine! Your donation is very much appreciated!
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Category: family | Longest Game for CF | politics
Tags: election, family, hippies, Longest Game, Longest Game For CF, politics, sister
Tags: election, family, hippies, Longest Game, Longest Game For CF, politics, sister